Life coaching

A life coach helps to overcome difficulties along the way and acts as an additional resource in achieving goals.

What does the job of a life coach look like?

Life-coach, to become a confidant in all areas of life: playing the role of a personal trainer in physical achievements, a business consultant in work, a psychologist in relationships with others and a psychotherapist in relationships with oneself.

Life coaching - how it helps to set life goals correctly.

Every week (although in some cases it is more often) there is an online (face-to-face) meeting where the successes and failures of the past week are discussed, plans and ways of their implementation for the next week are developed, strategies are adjusted within the framework of the month and year. All stressful situations are worked out in detail, and steps to renew resources are also considered.

The cost of an online consultation ranges from $100 per hour or 400 per month (one per week). It can be compared to a good massage, beauty treatment or training course. However, the result of weekly work will be more than a healthy body or new knowledge, the result will be truly significant progress in all areas of life.

Another important point is that the navigator, like a life coach, cannot take you to the place, he supports and helps, and the path itself must be done on your own.

Of course, any person who understands and accepts the philosophy of coaching, who has willpower, a high degree of motivation, using developing and motivating questions, can independently become a successful person, although this will take a lot of time. But even in this case, there are times when there is a need for outside support in order to more effectively and quickly achieve the intended results.

Life coaching is characterized by the following features. In counseling, it becomes a teaching tool. Questions are asked and at the same time a special technique is applied when the study of the subject is carried out through action. But the method only works under circumstances where the coach is specifically responsible for the results. This readiness and methodology activates self-confidence in the client, who reaches new heights with internal resources. So life coaching makes the possibility of getting what you want in various areas of life a reality.

Life coaching, as a technology, is not aimed at teaching a specific skill, but at integrating it into life. Also, the goal is to develop the ability to master knowledge, learning, continuing throughout life. As a result, the client himself must find answers, creative solutions in difficult situations. Life coaching will teach him to independently apply his potential and resources to get good results.

The agreement mentor assists the client in the following:

  • Provides support during the
  • implementation of his plans.

Promotes the acquisition of awareness in activity or life.

  • Helps to be personally responsible.
  • The joint development of plans makes them consistent with what the client wants, the requirements of his environment.

The life coaching instructor does not sell knowledge in the area of ​​interest of the accompanied person. It also doesn't change a person. He only becomes an additional resource, watching the transformations taking place with the client. Moreover, he himself is responsible for both the success and failure of the result. It is impossible to promise 100% achievement of goals, so the coach does not do it. Life coaching mentors are not in the business of giving advice, psychotherapy and counseling per se. But they have all these skills as additional means.